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Why does this work?

The science matters. But there's more to it than that.

It's a blend of sciences

The Unfollowing Process has been shaped by proven therapeutic practices. Experiencing the Unfollowing Process can help you navigate these therapeutic areas more easily if you choose to explore them.


Jungian psychology explores the depths of the human mind, delving into the collective unconscious, shadow, archetypes, and the individuation process. It's a comprehensive framework that integrates psychology, mythology, and spirituality.


Parts Work is a therapeutic approach used in various modalities, including Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, Gestalt therapy, and other forms of psychotherapy. It involves exploring and understanding the different "parts" or aspects of an individual's personality, psyche, or emotional landscape.


Talking Meditation involves vocalizing thoughts and feelings as different parts of yourself, fostering self-awareness and emotional clarity. It blends mindfulness with self-dialogue, enhancing emotional regulation and reducing stress (Tang et al., 2015; Pennebaker & Chung, 2011).

Plus your commitment


When astronauts travel to space everything changes. They see a floating planet and realize the meaninglessness of daily stress. What's used to be important disappears.
You can create the same distance from different parts of your mind instead of living at street level. With distance, you can change how you see the past, present, and the future.


The placebo effect is when people are given sugar pills and told it’s medicine that will make them feel better. The amazing thing is that it actually works because people believe it will.

How do big changes happen? We can't just think about changing. Real change happens when we really believe in it and don't let anything stop us. That’s how it starts. Thinking logically isn’t as important.


Many people before you have tried to find ways to change their lives. They succeeded by paying attention to each step, just like how you get better at a sport or game with practice.

If you want big results, you need to make self-care a regular habit. The more effort you put in, the better the results you’ll get.

What is Talking Meditation?

Talking meditation is when you meditate by talking out loud instead of staying silent. You speak about your thoughts and feelings in a calm and focused way. This helps you listen to yourself better and understand what you’re really thinking and feeling inside.

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Meet Space: The Inner Voice Exploration Kit

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