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Inner-work should be playful, too.

Time for something new.

When our founder, Omo Voo hit rock bottom, all he found was therapy, meds, or mystic woo-woo. They had their place, but they left him wanting more.

Omo saw an opportunity for a new piece of the growth puzzle. Instead of products and services based on sickness or sorcery, he imagined no-nonsense, step-by-step, tools designed to push your mind to explore new frontiers. Something that could flip your perspective like an astronaut seeing Earth from space for the first time.

We create tools for self-breakthroughs.

Our customers are growth-seekers who want to mindfully make changes.

Unfollowing Guides

Omo Voo

I'm the founder of the Unfollowing Process and creator of the Space Talking Meditation System. After a career as a business leader I became a certified coach and have completed extensive studies in psychology, applied mythology, philosophy, and spirituality.

When I was seven, I remember watching a nature show as swarms of wildebeest migrated across the dry African landscape towards lush greenery on the other side of a raging river. One of them left the safety of the herd and tried to cross the dangerous water. I yelled, "you can do it!” but the wildebeest slipped, fell, and died. 

Another wildebeest soon followed, determined to forge a new path. It made it to the first rock, then the next, and then after a moment of deliberation, it made a bold leap and safely reached the other side. I cheered, but then realized it was vulnerable and all alone. It could be eaten. Thankfully, a few more wildebeests followed in its footsteps, and soon there was a new small group, safe and sound, feasting on the other side of the river.

That story became a blueprint for my own river crossing. Today, I am lucky to help others cross theirs.
Omo's Linkedin

Mai Vu

I was raised in Vietnam and lived among employees as our home doubled as office space.

One day when I was five, I stood in front of my parents' "office door," and an odd question popped in my head: "Why am I in this specific body, and not another?" Even at that early age, there was a clear disharmony between my inner and outer world — long before I could read or write.

This early moment marked the beginning of a long conflict between my inner and outer world. The pain of my misalignment became so intense that I perpetually felt depressed. I even contemplated ending my life.

Instead, I risked completely stopping the life that wasn’t working: I ended my career, left my country, and dared myself to live on my own terms, without a plan— no matter the cost. I promised myself I wouldn’t give up until my worlds clicked. Eventually, I emerged as the person I aspired to be, living authentically, and loving fiercely.

Today, as a Coach at Unfollowing, I'm committed to supporting my clients as they align their own worlds — to rediscover who they really are — to unfollow.
Mai's Linkedin


Contact us to learn about becoming a Space reseller, affiliate, or certified Talking Meditation Guide.

We believe in living like astronauts.

In seeing yourself and your world with fresh eyes.
Real aliveness isn’t about playing it safe;
it’s about breaking the rules, shedding self-limiting
habits, and embracing every part of who you are.
Like astronauts, we follow our own adventure,
brave the darkness, and listen beyond the noise.
We let go of attachments that hold us back
and expand our view of what's possible.
Dive deep, face yourself, and build a life
that’s unapologetically yours.

The wild ride to freedom is the only ride worth taking.

Read the Unfollowing Bill of Rights

Turn your head so far around, you become an owl.

Replace your brain's mix tape.